Thursday, July 7, 2011

Well my birthday was a little disappointing honestly. It was just a hard day (one of those days) and I think i got pink eye and I did not get any mail..... oh and I´m not a teenager anymore (a fact I hold over the heads of the other missionaries all the time hahah) But this was a good week. On the 4th they had ice cream here!!!!! It was great. We have had a few portuguese only days where we speak nothing but portuguese and it really helps the language come along. We are speaking a lot now and all our practice lessons are in only portuguese. The Lord really helps you teach. It is a lot easier to say things and remember things when you speak with the intent to practice than when you speak with the intent to goof off. I had a brazilian room mate who is really homesick. We talked a lot (in portuguese) and I gave him a blessing (in portuglish). We are pretty close now. Things are going really well. I had a great temple session today so i^m feeling really good and am really excited about this week. I hope everything is going well. I love you guys!!! (btw you never answered my question about my truck did you sell it?! have you had any offers?! ) love, Elder Noel

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